Friday, June 29, 2012

Mint green paint

So, we have already done in one day as much work as we did the whole time we were here last time!! Today, we were able to visit a church and paint the inside of it mint green. We painted 2-3 coats of paint on every wall on the inside. And the church was not small. This was definitely a huge task for our group, but we hunkered down and got it done. We had to brush off all the walls, try to wash them, and paint them. We had ladders up, paint flying everywhere, and various brushes and rollers. But, no drop cloths. So, we had to have students on "wet rag" duty! Whenever we spilled or dripped paint we just yelled, "rag!!" and someone came running along to clean up the mess. A member of the church was there with us and he was extremely grateful for what we did today. He prayed a pray of blessing on our entire group and it was extremely sincere and thoughtful. We learned today that when we are visiting a foreign country we need to remember that things are different. Not bad, but different. Edwin reminded us of this today and we also saw it played out a few times: 1. The first two coats of paint were mixed with water before applying. this was so it would dry faster and then we didn't have to wait to apply the next coats. 2. Some of us rode in the back of a pick up truck today... 3. the church sound board was hooked up in a way I have never seen before. " I am certain we will continue to see things that are different this week or are done differently. Our hope and prayer is that we continue to keep our minds and hearts open to all we see and to all that God has for us this week. We ended the night with an amazing chili dinner, a lesson from Edwin, and group devotions. In devos we spent some time planning our participation in the church service tomorrow evening. We figured out our songs and testimonies. We have some good singers and some very thoughtful students on this trip. Should be fun tomorrow. Peace!

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