Saturday, July 7, 2012

Reverse Culture Shock


Please remember that our team will be experiencing reverse culture shock. We are all in the midst of processing everything we saw, experienced, and felt this week. Please give us time to process. We will not be ready to answer every question you have about the trip. We are not meaning to be rude. Please be patient with us as we process our trip. It may take us 3 weeks, 3 days or 3 years to truly understand and to be able to share everything from our trip.

If you press us before we are ready you will receive "cookie-cutter" answers. If you want to hear real answers, please gov us time. We love you all so much and we want to be to share everything with you. Give us time. Thanks!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Sheep

Sheep and hot springs

Well, yesterday we delivered the 6 sheep and we went to the hot springs.

It was very moving to deliver the sheep. The people were extremely appreciative and were very happy to have the sheep. The church there is also in the process of being built and my hope is that a group of ours returns one day to help build it!!!!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012


We lit up some fireworks on the 4th of July in Guatemala. See if you can decipher the screams of your child!!

Go 'Merica!!!


Yes, we are lighting fireworks, in Guatemala on July 4 in honor of Independence Day and lighting things on fire!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Agua Dulce - July 3

Another wonderful day in Agua Dulce. The day was set up very similar to yesterday. Running, Breakfast, painting, lunch, and then VBS.

The morning run today was a lot easier than yesterday. It was only 3 miles, but it was not nearly as hilly so that made It easier. Again, the views we were able to see were magnificent. We stopped a few times just to take it all in. This is an extremely beautiful place that everyone should come and see!

The painting went well. We finished painting the new kitchen and it looks really nice. There were a couple of frustrations with the type of wall we were painting and whether or not the walls soaked up too much paint. But in the end, it all worked out.

Today's VBS was the best one I have been a part of in Agua Dulce. We had a great plan, thanks to Pat, and it was well executed by all of us. We sang a few songs with the kid. Then we Let them color, which they loved, and make a cool craft. After that, Annalise read a story to them. When all of that was done we asked the kids if they wanted to go and play and they ALL told us they would rather stay and sing songs! It was so cool. So, we sang some of the same songs again, but this time we took extra time to teach them the songs and the motions. They loved it. They especially loved "Alleluia, Praise Ye the Lord". All the standing and sitting down. After music we all went and played soccer, frisbee, and jump rope. It was really fun watching our group interacting with all of the little kids. Even the members of our group who know very little Spanish were doing an excellent job communicating. We gave all of the kids a little present/prize at the end and we thought they were all leaving, but most came back and we all continued to play. This lasted until 5pm!! But it was worth it, because it was great. All of the kids left at 5pm and our group decided to have its own soccer game. With only minimal casualties (Peyton and Nate M.) the game was a success and the game ended in a tie. It did start to rain pretty heavily at the end, but that did NOT deter us at all.

After dinner we basically just chilled all night. We had an early devotions and most of us played cards or read books. We taught Andrew and Hannah how to play Euchre and they almost beat Nate M. and Rob... But alas, they were unsuccessful and the team of Nate and Rob remains undefeated! But, we have an early morning tomorrow as we prepare to leave Agua Dulce, so we need to get our sleep. Good night!!

July 2 - Agua Dulce

Today was definitely a fun one. We started the day with an intense 3 mile run up the mountain. The participants on today's run were: Liz, Neal, Edwin, Andrew, Rob and Nate M. The run was crazy because so much of it was uphill. We ran about two miles up the mountain on the road and then came down the mountain on a very narrow walking path for the last mile. There were a few stops and moments when we walked. And the way down was tricky. We didn't have too many falls, but Nate had a good spill!

After the run and breakfast we started painting the new kitchen while some of us prepared for VBS. The painting was fun and we were in Close quarters so there was a lot of talking and interacting.

After painting we had lunch and then headed over to the church for VBS. It was crazy! There were over 220 kids there. We had a plan ( a good one made by Pat) but it was quickly abandoned. Kids were everywhere and really interested in all we were doing. We were helping them make bracelets and color pictures. We also played soccer outside with them and Neal read some simple Bible stories to them in Spanish. The VBS is nearly impossibly to put into words, but I recommend you ask any of our participants to explain it to you!

After VBS we had the opportunity to go on a hike with Edwin as he explained all about coffee and the plantation. He gave us the history and talked to us about distribution, roasting, picking, fertilizing and everything else. We were able to see much of the plantation and even the spot where they make/start new coffee plants. The talk was extremely informative and it gave us all a better understanding of the ins and outs of the plantation. One interesting thing he told us is that they see the coffee industry as similar to the wine industry. There are specifics about the beans and where they are grown and how they're grown. This gives different flavor to the coffee and an expert can tell the difference between coffee from different countries and even the cities, the plantations, and the lots within the plantations.

We got to experience Soupa Verde tonight. It was amazing! Green soup with so many tasty types of vegetables to bring out amazing flavors. And we were to add tortilla chips, cheese and sweet cream. I'm pretty sure everyone liked it.

After dinner we had a bonfire and we all sat around, singing songs, laughing, and having a good time. We sang songs in Spanish and English. We also made s'mores!! Some of the neighbors and their children came and joined us also. It was a great way to end a magnificent day!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Agua Dulce - Day 1

It is so nice being up on the plantation. Huehue is also nice, but the serenity and scenery of Agua Dulce is amazing.

Our drive up was uneventful, which is always a good thing. Some of us rode in a van while everyone else rod in the back of the trucks. The trip was about two hours long, with one stop for lunch.

Once we got up here we got settled and headed over to church. We were asked to sing songs, give testimonies and preach, so our part of the service was very similar to Saturday night. The main thing that was different was that many of the people in the church do not speak Spanish. They only speak their native, Mayan language. So, when we spoke, Edwin translated it to Spanish and then the Pastor translated to their language. It was very interesting to witness!

For anyone who was here last year or had a student go last year you would be interested to know that there have been some improvements to the plantation and the guest area where we all stay. They made a very nice path leading up to our bedrooms out of concrete, with a railing.
There is also an amazing looking kitchen that is almost complete. And we get to paint it tomorrow! There is also a fence/gate around the porch to keep out the chickens, turkeys, and dogs. There is also another building down by the area where they process/clean the coffee beans.

Now, we are all just hanging out, waiting for dinner. People are reading on the hammock, playing soccer and ping pong. Good, relaxing time all around for everyone!

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