Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 2 - Agua Dulce

Today was definitely a fun one. We started the day with an intense 3 mile run up the mountain. The participants on today's run were: Liz, Neal, Edwin, Andrew, Rob and Nate M. The run was crazy because so much of it was uphill. We ran about two miles up the mountain on the road and then came down the mountain on a very narrow walking path for the last mile. There were a few stops and moments when we walked. And the way down was tricky. We didn't have too many falls, but Nate had a good spill!

After the run and breakfast we started painting the new kitchen while some of us prepared for VBS. The painting was fun and we were in Close quarters so there was a lot of talking and interacting.

After painting we had lunch and then headed over to the church for VBS. It was crazy! There were over 220 kids there. We had a plan ( a good one made by Pat) but it was quickly abandoned. Kids were everywhere and really interested in all we were doing. We were helping them make bracelets and color pictures. We also played soccer outside with them and Neal read some simple Bible stories to them in Spanish. The VBS is nearly impossibly to put into words, but I recommend you ask any of our participants to explain it to you!

After VBS we had the opportunity to go on a hike with Edwin as he explained all about coffee and the plantation. He gave us the history and talked to us about distribution, roasting, picking, fertilizing and everything else. We were able to see much of the plantation and even the spot where they make/start new coffee plants. The talk was extremely informative and it gave us all a better understanding of the ins and outs of the plantation. One interesting thing he told us is that they see the coffee industry as similar to the wine industry. There are specifics about the beans and where they are grown and how they're grown. This gives different flavor to the coffee and an expert can tell the difference between coffee from different countries and even the cities, the plantations, and the lots within the plantations.

We got to experience Soupa Verde tonight. It was amazing! Green soup with so many tasty types of vegetables to bring out amazing flavors. And we were to add tortilla chips, cheese and sweet cream. I'm pretty sure everyone liked it.

After dinner we had a bonfire and we all sat around, singing songs, laughing, and having a good time. We sang songs in Spanish and English. We also made s'mores!! Some of the neighbors and their children came and joined us also. It was a great way to end a magnificent day!

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