Monday, June 30, 2014


We had a great time painting the first coat on the inside of a church.

In the afternoon we went to a hot spring. It was really relaxing.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Church today

We went to another church this afternoon and sang the same songs and shared the same testimonies. It went really well. This church was really into taking pictures and so we took a bunch too. Here are a few of them!

Saturday June 28th

Saturday was a relaxing day and a cleaning day. We said goodbye to five of our team members and then we cleaned the guest house. We all had chores to complete and they were done swiftly and without complaining. That's always a good thing!

We had a lot of free time and many of us read and played cards. We also went to the market and the store. Around 3pm we went to a new village to visit a small Catholic cathedral. It was very interesting and definitely worth te visit. Following the church we went to a market and a leather shop where some of our team members bought some pretty cool machetes...we then went to a cool little coffee shop and watched the end of a World Cup game. Most people got lattes and some even got some cakes and pies for dessert. It was a posh little spot for sure.
We came home for dinner and then went to a church service. The church was about an hour away and when we arrived thy had already begun. But we quickly go immersed into the service as they were expecting us. We sang a couple of songs in English and then Peyton and Katrina shared testimonies, followed by a short message given by Jesse(the intern). We ended the service by going around and talking to all of the members of the congregation. It was a good time for sure. The students all seemed to really enjoy it.
Sunday morning we were allowed to sleep in and we had a huge brunch at 11am. We did more chores and now we are preparing to go to another church service.

Rob Bradford

Friday, June 27, 2014


We saw 100 patients today!

Pics from today

Grace, Sharon, and Kaylan helping a man remove his sweatshirt so they can take his blood pressure.


Today was another day of a long clinic. But this time we went up to 11,000 feet to a community called Arenal. This community was very different from the community in Agua Dulce. Today we held our clinic inside of the community church, which was rather small. We had to make a few changes, but we were still able to see over 50 patients with a wide variety of illnesses. Many of the illnesses were curable with rest and common medicine. But of course there were many ailments that we were unable to treat. This reality never gets any easier to deal with.

The students were wonderful again as they continued to assist the medical professionals as well as play with the area kids. There were still a lot of medical glove balloons and a lot of soccer.

Rob Bradford

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

More clinics...

Today was exhausting, exhilarating, busy, intense, fun, and so much more. We started with a 7:30am breakfast and opened the medical clinic at 8:30. Today we saw 71 patients and we were open from 8:30-3:30 with a short break for lunch. Many of the patients came in with the same conditions as yesterday and again it was hard to not be able to help everyone as much as we would like. There were a couple of hernias that were treated with braces, medication, and education. We also saw a few pregnant women as well as young children. There were countless guys with headaches and backaches as well.
The clinic ended with a women with a complicated cyst that Sally and Laura decided needed to be removed. Laura was prepared and performed the minor surgery with assistance from Sally, Grace, Sharon, and Hannah. The cyst was causing the woman a lot of pain and the hope is that this removal will help her a great deal.
Everyone was amazing today and all of the students filled amazing roles throughout the run of the clinic:
Peyton - pharmacy
Ginny - runner
Cammy - kids
Kaylan - blood pressure
Katrina - in take
Hannah - translator, blood pressure
Jessegrace - blood pressure, asst. to Laura

This has definitely been a great experience for everyone, even though it has been emotionally and physically draining.

Our view

Here is our view while in Agua Dulce. It's ok to be a little jealous...

Agua Dulce

We finished our first day in Agua Dulce and it was a success. The morning started off normal with breakfast and going into the market and the mall. But then the adventure started. We loaded our stuff and ourselves on to a sweet, brand new Suzuki truck. The back/bed was equipped with seats and storage bins, but there was also room to stand up during the ride. So, most of is stood the whole trip. If was great to stand in the back of the truck and see the beauty of Guatemala. The trip was about 3 hours long and it was absolutely gorgeous. Standing there, gripping the bars tightly with the wind blowing in our hair!

Once we arrived in Agua Dulce we unpacked and unloaded and had lunch. Lunch was a true Guatemalan meal: tortillas with cheese and black beans with crema! Delicious. Following lunch we opened our first medical clinic. It was definitely something new for all of us, but everyone did so well. We ended up seeing 48 patients in the three hours we were open. Some had very minor issues like coughs or fevers, while others had enlarged hearts and heart murmurs. It was not easy for our health professionals or our students to send people off with the minimal amount of care we could provide. But yet, a lot of good was done during the clinic. The language barrier was also tough, but a few people really stepped up. In particular, Hannah was on fire - helping to translate with anyone who needed it. She said she spoke more Spanish in that 3 hours than she had her entire life. In general everyone did their part and did it with smiles on their faces, showing God's love to all who entered.

Rob Bradford

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cultural Day

Today was eventful and loads of fun. It started bright and early for a few of is who went on a 3-4 mile run at 7:45 this morning. The participants were Hannah, Peyton, Rob, and Jesse(the intern). It was a tough run in this altitude and with all of the hills, but it was also exhilarating.

Breakfast and clean up followed the run. Soon after that was many of us went on various excursions. Some people went to the market, others went to exchange money and lastly a couple of people went to a paper store. The goal was to walk around town and take it all in. This is essential in a cultural immersion trip like this one.

Next we went to a blanket factory where many of us bought blankets of various shapes, sizes, and colors. They were gorgeous.

Our next stop was at the Mayan Ruins here in HueHuetenango. This is always fun as we can climb all over the ruins and really explore. The only downside today was the torrential downpour that started when we arrived. Many ran for shelter while others braved the storm and walked all over the ruins.

Our last stop of the day was at the biblico instituto de Berea where Sharon have a health talk on pregnancy (post, pre, and during) with some Of the local women. Sharon was joined by Pat, grace, Laura, and Sally. The rest of us were there as well, but we worked in a different room cleaning and organizing medical supplies. Katrina took charge and got us all in line. The cleaning and organizing went well and we did a great job. Now, we are chilling and relaxing back at the guest house as we wait for dinner.

Tomorrow morning we will be leaving for the plantation at Agua Dulce. There is absolutely no wifi and I will do my best to write every day, but I will not be able to post them until we return to HueHue.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


The whole group is together in HueHue now. We woke up really early in order to get here in time to relax before church tonight. The views were great during the drive and we had to make a few detours and stops on account of landslides. We even made a little stop at this great coffee shop for coffee and quesadillas.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Guatemala City

The American airline people are safely in HueHuetenango!

The Delta Airline people are safely in Guatemala City!!

We arrived shortly after 7pm local time and had a small snafu at baggage claim...we are missing two pieces of luggage. One is full of medical supplies and the other is all of Taye and Jadyn's clothes plus Sharon's cosmetics and toiletries. We hope to get both bags soon. Following that, going through customs was a breeze. They didn't stop any of us. We just walked through! Edwin and Hilde were there waiting for us and we quickly boarded the van and were on our way! Our first stop was at Edwin's parents house where we had a wonderful spaghetti dinner. Now, we are at our sleeping quarters. It is a guest house in a safe neighborhood with at least one other missionary group here. The accommodations are wonderful and everyone is settling in. My hope is that they fall asleep quickly because we are leaving at 5am to head out to HueHue!
It is good to be able to lay our heads down and get a good nights sleep before our 5-6 hour drive tomorrow.

Rob Bradford


Well, we barely made our flight after a delay in Detroit. We had to run, but we are here and boarding now! So excited. Next stop - Guatemala City!!!

Rob Bradford

Friday, June 20, 2014

Guatemala 2014

Well, in just over 24 hours we will all be in Guatemala. Tonight is our packing party and sure it will be a blast. We are going to load all of our luggage with medicine, soccer balls, crafts, and little toys. I'm really excited about this opportunity and the group we are taking to Guatemala this year. We are going to work really hard and have a lot of fun. The perfect combination!!

Rob Bradford