Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Agua Dulce

We finished our first day in Agua Dulce and it was a success. The morning started off normal with breakfast and going into the market and the mall. But then the adventure started. We loaded our stuff and ourselves on to a sweet, brand new Suzuki truck. The back/bed was equipped with seats and storage bins, but there was also room to stand up during the ride. So, most of is stood the whole trip. If was great to stand in the back of the truck and see the beauty of Guatemala. The trip was about 3 hours long and it was absolutely gorgeous. Standing there, gripping the bars tightly with the wind blowing in our hair!

Once we arrived in Agua Dulce we unpacked and unloaded and had lunch. Lunch was a true Guatemalan meal: tortillas with cheese and black beans with crema! Delicious. Following lunch we opened our first medical clinic. It was definitely something new for all of us, but everyone did so well. We ended up seeing 48 patients in the three hours we were open. Some had very minor issues like coughs or fevers, while others had enlarged hearts and heart murmurs. It was not easy for our health professionals or our students to send people off with the minimal amount of care we could provide. But yet, a lot of good was done during the clinic. The language barrier was also tough, but a few people really stepped up. In particular, Hannah was on fire - helping to translate with anyone who needed it. She said she spoke more Spanish in that 3 hours than she had her entire life. In general everyone did their part and did it with smiles on their faces, showing God's love to all who entered.

Rob Bradford

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