Sunday, July 6, 2014


Today we are sitting in our last church service in Guatemala. They have all been different yet similar experiences. This church is very large. There definitely over 200 people here and still room for more.
We had the opportunity to share testimonies, sing songs in English and Spanish, and listen to Edwin and Jesse preach.
It was bittersweet to sing our songs for the last time. Many did now know the songs before we started singing them 15 days ago, but now they are like old standards.
As I sit here in this church and take it all in I can easily reflect on all that we have done. Listening to our group talk about God and love for others makes me extremely hopeful for this generation. Our beautiful, amazing young people are not selfish and arrogant. They love others and care for the needs of others; that is something I am sure of.
These last two weeks have been amazing and definitely a time that I will not soon forget and I am sure the students agree.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Thanks, Rob, for the updates. I miss being there.Grace
