Saturday, July 4, 2015

Last Day on the Worksite

Well, today was our last day working. We had to stop early yesterday because of the rain - but we had a half finished deck that needed to be completed. We were all up early and ready to go (ok, the reality is that people were dragging today...).

We arrived at the unfinished deck around 8:30am and it seemed as if the rain was going to hold off. We set up the tools and got to work. We were flying through and making great time on the completion of the deck. Spindles were being placed, boards were being cut, wood was being drilled, tape measures were being used - we were on a roll...and then it started to rain. Honestly, I thought we were done. We had a lot of wood already cut and we were able to continue drilling and measuring, but we could not use any electrical tools (plugged in) while it was raining. Everyone was trying to figure out alternative plans to cut the wood so we could continue. But there was nothing that was going to work. As we continued to brainstorm - the storm ceased. The rain let up! The sun even came out! We immediately pulled the tools out of the truck and went back to work. We ran into a few hiccups while building, but we made it work and comets the deck. We even worked through lunch because we were afraid it might start raining again. We loaded the truck and van at 1:09 with a completed deck and we headed back to our home away from home for the week. We had a wonderful time working this week. Many of us learned new skills and had the opportunity to experience construction in a new way.

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