Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Last Day in the Smokies

Today was a great last day. We woke up and headed over to Cade's Cove. The Cove was absolutely gorgeous. We started by driving the scenic loop where we saw a small bear about 100 yards away. Plenty of people were stopped and taking pictures, so we couldn't. We kept on trekking and headed to the parking lot of the hike we planned on doing. When we arrived at the Abram's Falls trailhead the sun was out and it was about 82 degrees. It was amazingly beautiful (I've heard rumors it is not as nice in Kalamazoo today...). The hike was a simple one today. It was only a 5 mile loop with a beautiful stop at Abram's Falls. Kate led the way and I stayed near the back with Daniel (he stubbed his toe in the mirror maze last night in Gatlinburg and is still in pain). We weren't too at behind as the trail today was considerably easier than the hike on Saturday. It was mostly flat with only a few spots of rough terrain. Once we arrived at the Falls we stopped and ate lunch together while being in the presence of nature - everyone should have the opportunity to eat lunch with the serene sounds of a waterfall in the background.

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