Sunday, July 11, 2010

Headed to Michigan

I won't make this too long since we are out of Guatemala so our trip is definitely not as cool any more. We barely made the train to Michigan city because we got a bit turned around when we got off of the blue line train. But here we are and everything is all good.
I am sure I will process the trip even more as the days and weeks pass but what I can say right now is that it was a great trip. W had a great group of students who are interested in changing the world and I think this trip helped to motivate/inspire them.
At this point I definitely want to return to Huehue, but I am not sure when. I will keep you all posted!

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Saturday, July 10, 2010


We are in Chicago!!! Plane just landed!!! We shall see everyone tomorrow!

Rob Bradford

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Mexico City

The Mexico city airport is pretty cool but we learned todY te Guatemala city airport is slightly nicer. Definitely more food options in Guatemala. The group is still considerably happy and excited but very ready to be home because it has already been along day.
We stopped at three craft markets on the way to guatemala City from Huehue. There was a lot o cool stuff and it was a lot of fun to see different markets closer to Guatemala City. Most of us were done shopping so we did a lot of looking, but it was still fun!! The ride of course was still bumpy and curvy and the true Guatemalan experience. No one threw up this time while in the van but a few people were close. My van mostly slept and sang showtunes!!! We stopped and ate lunch at a "rest stop" with a nice overlook of the big city! When we got the airport things went rather smoothly. I went up to the ticket counter first and did my best to communicate in Spanish I did ok and collected the passports, luggage and info sheets of our whole team. When I brought them back to the lady she said, "thank you". I looked at her and said, "Habla ingles?". She just laughed and said "yes, but I was enjoying your Spanglish!!".
The flight was easy and now we are in Mexico City awaiting our flight at gate 27. Short scare when Brendan was pulled aside and questioned for ten minutes alone because they would not let me go back there. But it was no big deal and Brendan was not shaken at all! All of us miss Edwin and Gail a great deal and hope to return to Huehue ministries sometime soon. As we sit at Gate 27 I am watching Bri, Maeven, Nate, Lauren, and George play Egyptian Ratscrew. Kelsey, Emily, Olivia, Neal, Hillary, Brendan, Kaylin and Mohammed are munching on snacks and I have no idea where Deb and Rick are. Probably snuck away to snuggle!!
We will be back soon and in the states in about five hours!! Keep praying as we still have a long trip today and tomorrow!

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Up and at em!!

Awake at 3:30am and getting ready yo leave Huehue for Guatemala City. Seven hour drive here we come! The trip has been amazing! Thanks to all for your support and prayers!!!

Rob Bradford

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Last day in Huehue

So, we had a semi full day today. We woke up and did not have to rush around. We ended up eating ad some people went back of the center of town. Most of us got caught in the middle of a parade. It was huge. There were little kids in cute costumes everywhere. Plus there were a lot of instruments and bands and such. It was really cool.
After that we loaded up the van and truck and drove up the mountain about 11,000 feet above sea level. We were dropping off about 9 sheep to the community. Edwin gives sheep to various community members and then collects the droppings from the sheep and uses them for fertilizer. He believes it is great because he is helping the various community members while also getting fertilizer for the coffee plantation. His hope is that more people will buy into this project and help purchase sheep for community members, similar to the Heifer Project. The people were so happy to receive the sheep. I know it will improve their lives immensely and it is a great project to start here in Guatemala.
Afterwards we went to see some Mayan Ruins. It was fun to walk all over and around the ruins. We saw a few temples and even the spot where the Mayans played sports. Everyone climbed all over the place. After the ruins we stopped at weaving warehouse and just about everyone bought a blanket. They were immaculate and extreme beautiful. Luckily we all got out of the vans and went into the warehouse. At first we thought we were being led to our slaughter, but it was just blankets. No machetes!!
We got home and had dinner and the ran off and got ice cream(thank you Bloomquists!!!!). The ice cream was fantastic and a great ending to an amazing week! Now we are just cleaning up and packing and getting ready to do our final devotions. Early morning for our departure tmrw. Keep our group in your prayers all day Saturday because we will leave Huehue around 4am and will not be in Ohare until 1am!

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Back in Huehue

We made it back to Huehue this afternoon with no problems. The roads were fairly clear and the driving was smooth. Halfway back we stopped at a really cool suspension bridge and ate lunch. Most everyone walked out onto the suspension bridge. Even those of us scared of heights like Bri, Kelsey and I. Again, this is something I could describe to you but it won't give it justice. You will just have to ask the students to see the pictures.
When we got back to Huehue we changed into our swimsuits and got back into the trucks to drive an hour to a Place where they have hot springs. The drive was not the best but most of us made it fun. It was raining horribly and we were all getting soaked. Bri, Hilary and myself almost lost the tarp at one point, but we grabbed it at the last minute.
When we got to the hot springs most if us were a little shocked by what we saw, but once in the "pool" it was amazing and exactly what we all needed. It was so hot and we had not had any hot water in the last three days. We lounged in the springs for about an hour or so completely relaxed and hung out. Near the end of our time a white woman walked up to us and started talking to us in English. She told us she was working for the Peacecorps and had just gotten to Guatemala. She is finishing up her last year here. It was cool seeing and talking to an American because she was our first non-group member we had seen and talked to fro the states.
Tomorrow we are going to visit a sheep farmer and learn about what is going with all of that and how it is helping the economy, his families economics and the coffee farm in Agua Dulce. After that we will go to the Mayan Ruins and see a cool part of history.

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Tomorrow morning

Tomorrow morning we leave Agua Dulce and head back to Huehue. We have definitely made some good connections in Agua Dulce. The farmers and their families all seem really cool and down to earth. Our group has again been doing an excellent job of stepping out of their comfort zone and reaching out to the people of this community, especially the young children.
We are all kind of in chill mode at this time since we are done working. The rest of our trip will be more focused on understanding and learning about Guatemalan culture.
Edwin is really doing an excellent job here in Guatemala. As a host and also as a missionary here. There are a lot o great things happening in Huehue and Agau Dulce on account of Edwin and his ministry here.
I should warn you all that our group is consistently asking me if we can come back here next year. The jury is still out on this one but it is definitely a thought. The idea of focusing on one or two places(Guatemala and Colcord, WV) is very appealing to me. That way we can build relationships in two communities and continue to see the progress of the two areas and all that they are doing. This is definitely worth thinking about and praying about in the upcoming year!!

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VBS #2

WOW. That is all I can really say. This VBS was wild. Kids everywhere! Pouring rain! Crazy drum session. Girls getting their hair braided. An abundance of face painting. Soccer and basketball (with a soccer ball) in the rain. It went well. But if you really want to understand it you will have to see all of the pictures and watch the short videos.

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Coffee Talks

So, we have done a lot already today and it is only 1pm. We did a little bit of work which entailed fulling more bags of dirt and then helping to place the bags.
But the majority of the morning has been spent doing coffee talks with Edwin. We have learned about fair trade and certified organic and origin. We also were shown the entire process of coffee framing from start to finish. Now, it is not harvest season so it was just explained and we saw the "equipment", but it was still really cool and informational. Honestly there is no way I can write it all here so if you are reading this you will ave to ask one of the trip participants when we return to explain it to you.
Right now we are about to eat lunch and ten we are going to do another VBS!!!!!

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Mountain run

It still early this morning and a few of us are already showered a tired! Edwin took Olivia, Neal, Nate and I on a 3 mile mountain run this morning. It took us 53 minutes to complete!!! Now obviously that seems really slow. It was a lot of fun and exhausting though. The first 2.5 miles were uphill. We stopped and walked a few times. The altitude was definitely a butt kicker and going uphill was rough also. At the 2.5 mile mark we started downhill but it was through very skinny, slippery trails. We could not move to quickly and I think all of us almost fell at least once. I did the splits(which did not feel good) and Olivia almost ran I've Edwin as she picked up speed and couldn't stop. Luckily Edwin held his ground and held Olivia. Overall, it was really fun and an experience not too soon forgot.

Rob Bradford

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Quick update. It was decided tonight that tomorrow a three hugs a day (minimum) rule will be instituted for our whole group.

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Rainy Season

So...I think we all fully know what rainy season is in Guatemala!! We were all having a wonderful time hanging out with bunch of kids at a "VBS". While we were playing and painting faces we were told we needed to wrap things up because it was going to rain. We looked up and don't really see any clouds, but we listened and wrapped things up. We told all of the kids thank you and sang "go now in peace" as a blessing and a farewell. When we finished we went up to wait for the trucks and it started POURING; like God crying kind of rain. It cam fast and it came fast and it cam hard. We were all drenched for the next 15 minutes as we rode back to Agua Dulce. Everything on us is soaking wet. (I was able to keep my Djembe dry, though). It is till raining and most of us are contemplating whether it is worth it to take a cold shower at this point. I obviously chose to abstain (as the group well knows at this point).

The VBS went really well. When we got to the church there were about 75 kids waiting for the "gringos". As they watched us we went up to the front, did a brief intro Nd sang a song. The. We invited them to sing being for us. After that we sang "this little light of mine". When the singing was over we did our "lesson". It was all about the creation story. After the short lesson we handed out crayons and coloring pages to the kids. They all colored and we collected the papers(the hope is that we will go hang them up at their church tmrw). After coloring we basically did face painting, bubbles and played soccer. Most of the time it was completely chaotic, but also extremely fun. Brendan was getting chased by kids throwing soccer balls at him. Olivia, Lauren, Deb and the other girls still probably have paint all over them as the little girls got a hold of the brushes!! Overall it was great and I am certain our students all enjoyed themselves. I could see it in all o their faces and also in the faces of all of the little kids.

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Soupa Verde

Quick post...
Last night we had Soupa Verde for dinner. That is green soup for those of you who do not speak Spanish. It is an authentic Guatemalan meal and it was really good. I cannot tell you all of the ingredients because I am not sure of them. But I do none the soup had a lot of cilantro and chicken in it. We poured the broth on top of tortilla chips. The. We added cheese and cream to the top. It was good. Most of us had seconds.
After dinner we were able to here the story of God calling Gail to Guatemala. Then Edwin shared a little bit with us about the coffee plantation. He owns it ad it has been in his family since the 1950s. We get to hear even more about it today.
We are getting ready for breakfast and the we will work all morning and do a VBS for the kids in the afternoon.

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Agua Dulce Day 1

So, we made it to Agua Dulce. If you are wondering, I am typing this and then Saving the draft. I will post all of the blogs from Agua Dulce when we return to Huehue.
The trip to Agua Dulce was definitely a wonderful experience. The mountains here are absolutely amazing. The view to the whole drive was fantastic. We could see everything in every direction. For many of us it was as if there was nothing obstructing our view and that we were just looking out into the big wide open with the air blowing through our hair. We were split into three vehicles. We sung loudly most of the way in my vehicle. We waved and said hola to the people we drove by. And of course we ate peanuts.
The trip was only 2 hours and once we arrived we unloaded the vehicles, found our rooms and hung out. Lunch was soon ready and we all enjoyed some Guatemalan form of beef tacos. For one of our group members it was the first time she had eaten beef in 10 years. But she was going out of her box and embracing the culture.
After lunch we were quickly put to work. We loads a truck-full of wood. The work went quick and easy and then we were asked to load a huge pile of dirt into bags to be used to make even ground for a future "social hall" for the neighborhood. There is not much even ground in Agua Dulce. We all used hoes, shovels and carried bags. The best part was obviously using the hoes. If you have ever used a hoe before you completely understand.
Right now many of us are showering and relaxing as we await dinner. We have been told they are preparing an authentic Guatemalan dinner for us so we are all extremely excited.
As we really start doing harder work these next few days we are excited but we all need to remember to take care of ourselves and drink a lot of water!!!
Oh and there are coffee plants everywhere. Seriously...they are everywhere. We will take pictures and try to describe it to you, but it will not give it justice. Basically, all the green we see on the mountain is coffee. I do t even like coffee and I am impressed. Later today or tomorrow Edwin is going to talk further with us about the coffee trade and about fair trade and first trade and all of that.

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Monday, July 5, 2010


We are preparing to leave for Agua Dulce. That means we will be out of contact for 3 days and are going to help work on the coffee plantation. We will also do a VBS with the young children and play games with the adults. We are also all looking forward to learning more about fair trade and the coffee industry in Guatemala. We will update you on everything we do when we return to Huehue on Thursday evening.

Rob Bradford

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Sunday, July 4, 2010


We just got back from church. The kids all really enjoyed the service. It was to start at 2pm but we didn't even leave the house until 2:30! This freaked some of the kids out but I encouraged them to toe their watches off like I did and just go with the flow.
When we got to church we were immediately escorted to the front of the church and took our seats. After a few introductions and walking round the church, shaking hands, hugging and kissing the congregation we went up front to present. Emily, Deb and Rick all gave testimonies. We also sang three songs as a group. We sang Amazing Grace, Go now in Peace and I have the Joy (in Spanish). The best part was Kelsey saying "Donde?" and "por que?" during the song. All was good until she said donde when she should have said por que!! We hope the congregation was not too confused.
After this Edwin got up and gave a sermon in Spanish an English. It was very impressive.
We were then asked to get up and sing the USA national anthem in honor of July 4. It was pretty cool all singing the Star Spangled banner in Guatemala on independence Day!
We ended the service with an offering and a few hymns and then we walked out and shook hands with everyone again!
Overall it was a great service. Th styrene are breaking out of their shells and doing things I didn't think thy would; like sing in front of a church. No one is too tired yet. I constantly hear laughter and I see smiles amongst the group. Wr are doing really well as a group. Most of them just left to brave the rain and exchange more money I can't wait until they get back all soaking wet!!!!

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We just got back from the market. A great experience for all. We were able to see the center of the city as well as go to the market. The market had a plethora of goods. People were selling chicken, lots of fruit and vegetables and even crafts and such. No one bought much because we were just looking around today and most of the group had not exchanged money.
Of course we all stood out like sore thumbs but that is something we just have to get used to.
Neal did have a great conversation with a man asking us to take him back to the USA with us. I am pretty sure Neal declined.
Walking though the streets of Huehue is also a new experience for many in our group. We were dodging cars, busses, and motorcycles the whole way there. We did walk past a Dominoes and there is a rumor that a McDonalds is near by. But we plan on avoiding these USA establishments at all costs!!!
This morning we ate mosh(sweet oatmeal) and fried plantains. It was really good. All of the students have been great and willing to try all food put in front of them. We r getting ready to sit down for lunch and then we are going to church. We have been asked to sing a couple of songs and give a couple testimonies. I will definitely update everyone later tonight on how the service goes.
Keep Kaylin in your prayers as her stomach is still hurting a great deal. Gracias.

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Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hello everyone!!!! We are all situated in Huehuetenango. Everyone is sleeping and comfortable. We have had a long day for sure but what matters is that we are all here and everyone is healthy and safe.
The plane rides were fun and uneventful, which is always good. And mexicana airline even served food on both flights. We were all happily surprised by this. Our connections were painless and customs and immigration were even easier! When we got outside of the airport we were greeted by Angela who was holding a sign that said "Rob. Huehuetenango". We decided it was for us so we went with her. We loaded all of our luggage and split into two vans; Maeven, Lauren, Neal, Brendan, Hilary, George and Kelsey in one van. All three Taylors, Olivia, Bri, Emily, Nate, Mohammed and myself in the other van.
The van ride was great. It took us about 7 hours total with stops and all. We stopped at a restaurant that Edwin enjoys about halfway and ate our Sack lunches and even ordered some quesadillas!!!
We then kept driving and we went over the highest point on the Pan American Highway. It is called Alaska and it is 11,000 feet above sea level. Brendan got a little motion sick while riding, but quickly recovered and is doing great now!
When we got to Huehue we unloaded our belongings at the guesthouse, ate a light dinner, learned the rules and then everyone headed off to bed.
I'm too excited to sleep now, but I will presently. I did walk up onto the roof of the guesthouse with Deb, Hilary and Olivia and we were able to see the bulk of the city. It was really spectacular. The lights went on for awhile and the mountains are a great backdrop.
All is well in Huehue and I am off to bed. Keep praying for Kaylin as her muscle strain still hurts. But she is being really tough!! Also pray for our group for tomorrow. We have church at 2pm and we have been asked to share a song or two and a few testimonies.

Good night!!

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O'Hare Airport

So, we are all through security and everyone is happy!! Of course things are slow here. We arrived three hours early but to no avail. There were no ticket agents working so we just too a seat and relaxed. Maeven charged her iPhone and fell asleep. Bri, Emily, Nate and Neal played cards and everyone else just chilled. It was good bonding time for us all.
Update on Kaylin. She is coming to Guatemala!!! Last night we thought(the doctors) that she had appendicitis. But she does not bit is just a painful muscle strain. But she has decided to take her pain medication and tough it out. Kaylin and her parents were at the hospital all night with no sleep! So keep praying for them.
We were supposed to board the plane 30 minutes ago, but they have not called anyone to board yet. I guess we are just hanging out here accumulating more stories for when we get home seeya soon.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Holiday Inn

We are hanging out at mirrors restaurant at the Holiday Inn. We are so ready to eat. Everyone ordered way more food than they should have. Hopefully it is really good but I don't think it will matter much at all.
Quick shout out to Mike Hammond for using his reward points on our hotel rooms. We are on the VIP floor. We are big time tonight!
Please keep Kaylin Taylor in your prayers tonight. She is having stomach pains and is headed over to the hospital with her parents. Pray that she feels better and everything gets worked out by the morning!!

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We are all sitting on the "L" on our way go the airport hotel. Nothing to exciting yet but we have definitely had oh experiences so far. We have a few on the trip who this is their first time on the L. And George didn't trust me when I told him to put $2.25 on the card so he just put $2 on it brush obviously was not enough so we had to go back and fix it!! And us sitting on the L with all of our luggage definitely looks ridiculous bar already look like A group of gringo tourists and we are not even in Guatemala yet.
We are spread across about 4 cars but everyone is safe and anxiously awaiting our arrival to the hotel. We are all very hungry even though we've been munching on Goethe cookies and Wilson cookies. I think everyone wants to eat and go to be even though I am certain people will stay up later Ryan they should.
Oh and we played Mango while waiting for the train in Michigan City. And I won my first game of Mango ever! It was so exciting. We also played Around the World and I think just about everyone figured it out. We got a smart group of us here. Keep following and I will keep posting pointless blogs about all of our doings!!


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Trying this

I'm trying to see if I can post on my blog with my iPhone. And as I sit here with my phone I am quickly reminded that I will be without my phone for the whole week when I am in Guatemala. This reality dowse not concern me much, but it does make me realize how this might be difficult for many of the students who are coming on the trip. Now, I do not say this out of disgust or with a judgmental tone because i know how hard it is to be without cell phones. For many students it is their crutch, their sidekick and their friend. I definitely feel that way at times also. I feel naked without my phone and I have talked to many students who express the same.
But this will be an amazing experience for them to be without technology for a week. To put down their crutch and walk without a limp for a week. The freedom lived out this week will hopefully spill out into the rest of their lives and mine.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010


Preparing for a trip out of the country with a group of high school students is definitely an experience. Now don't get me wrong, I've been planning this trip since last September. But it doesn't really matter how much planning happens ahead of time. There is always so much to do at the last minute. And when students (and student's parents) are thrown into the mix it changes everything. I have sent countless emails to the missionaries hosting us in Guatemala. I have been on the phone with service people at Holiday Inn, O'Hare Airport, the CTA, The Southshore Commuter Train, and other people I can't even think of right now. I feel as though I am attached to my laptop. My eyes are twisted and turned and glued to the screen as I search out websites about; traveling to Chicago, the weather in Guatemala, luggage allowance on Mexicana Airlines, and Mayan Ruin info! But I know all of it will be worth it.

I have planned so many of the trips before. I know that the more I plan and the better prepared I am the smoother the trip will run. Now, with all of these preparations that still does not stop glitches from happening. I know that crazy things can happen and unexpected things can happen. But that is why I prepare. I cannot prepare for everything. But I can pray that God will keep us safe and continue to put us where we are supposed to be throughout the trip. If you are following this blog I ask that you also pray that God:
1. uses all of us in ways that we do not expect.
2. pushes us out of our comfort zones.
3. keeps us safe.