Sunday, July 4, 2010


We just got back from the market. A great experience for all. We were able to see the center of the city as well as go to the market. The market had a plethora of goods. People were selling chicken, lots of fruit and vegetables and even crafts and such. No one bought much because we were just looking around today and most of the group had not exchanged money.
Of course we all stood out like sore thumbs but that is something we just have to get used to.
Neal did have a great conversation with a man asking us to take him back to the USA with us. I am pretty sure Neal declined.
Walking though the streets of Huehue is also a new experience for many in our group. We were dodging cars, busses, and motorcycles the whole way there. We did walk past a Dominoes and there is a rumor that a McDonalds is near by. But we plan on avoiding these USA establishments at all costs!!!
This morning we ate mosh(sweet oatmeal) and fried plantains. It was really good. All of the students have been great and willing to try all food put in front of them. We r getting ready to sit down for lunch and then we are going to church. We have been asked to sing a couple of songs and give a couple testimonies. I will definitely update everyone later tonight on how the service goes.
Keep Kaylin in your prayers as her stomach is still hurting a great deal. Gracias.

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1 comment:

  1. All of you were remembered in prayer during church today. Light turn out, but Andrew Taylor was sitting in the pew where his family usually is.
    Have a great time! I know you'll learn loads, enjoy being together and being representatives of our church.
    Love you all! MLB
