Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mexico City

The Mexico city airport is pretty cool but we learned todY te Guatemala city airport is slightly nicer. Definitely more food options in Guatemala. The group is still considerably happy and excited but very ready to be home because it has already been along day.
We stopped at three craft markets on the way to guatemala City from Huehue. There was a lot o cool stuff and it was a lot of fun to see different markets closer to Guatemala City. Most of us were done shopping so we did a lot of looking, but it was still fun!! The ride of course was still bumpy and curvy and the true Guatemalan experience. No one threw up this time while in the van but a few people were close. My van mostly slept and sang showtunes!!! We stopped and ate lunch at a "rest stop" with a nice overlook of the big city! When we got the airport things went rather smoothly. I went up to the ticket counter first and did my best to communicate in Spanish I did ok and collected the passports, luggage and info sheets of our whole team. When I brought them back to the lady she said, "thank you". I looked at her and said, "Habla ingles?". She just laughed and said "yes, but I was enjoying your Spanglish!!".
The flight was easy and now we are in Mexico City awaiting our flight at gate 27. Short scare when Brendan was pulled aside and questioned for ten minutes alone because they would not let me go back there. But it was no big deal and Brendan was not shaken at all! All of us miss Edwin and Gail a great deal and hope to return to Huehue ministries sometime soon. As we sit at Gate 27 I am watching Bri, Maeven, Nate, Lauren, and George play Egyptian Ratscrew. Kelsey, Emily, Olivia, Neal, Hillary, Brendan, Kaylin and Mohammed are munching on snacks and I have no idea where Deb and Rick are. Probably snuck away to snuggle!!
We will be back soon and in the states in about five hours!! Keep praying as we still have a long trip today and tomorrow!

Sent from my iphone

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    This trip sounds like a fantastic experience -- one that has certainly captured Adena's interest in going on a Mission Trip. She loved the fact that the group spent their time in the villages working and becoming acquainted with the people and the culture, and not in the tourist towns. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with us.
    Best wishes,
    Louise Wright Leibbrand
