Thursday, July 1, 2010


Preparing for a trip out of the country with a group of high school students is definitely an experience. Now don't get me wrong, I've been planning this trip since last September. But it doesn't really matter how much planning happens ahead of time. There is always so much to do at the last minute. And when students (and student's parents) are thrown into the mix it changes everything. I have sent countless emails to the missionaries hosting us in Guatemala. I have been on the phone with service people at Holiday Inn, O'Hare Airport, the CTA, The Southshore Commuter Train, and other people I can't even think of right now. I feel as though I am attached to my laptop. My eyes are twisted and turned and glued to the screen as I search out websites about; traveling to Chicago, the weather in Guatemala, luggage allowance on Mexicana Airlines, and Mayan Ruin info! But I know all of it will be worth it.

I have planned so many of the trips before. I know that the more I plan and the better prepared I am the smoother the trip will run. Now, with all of these preparations that still does not stop glitches from happening. I know that crazy things can happen and unexpected things can happen. But that is why I prepare. I cannot prepare for everything. But I can pray that God will keep us safe and continue to put us where we are supposed to be throughout the trip. If you are following this blog I ask that you also pray that God:
1. uses all of us in ways that we do not expect.
2. pushes us out of our comfort zones.
3. keeps us safe.

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