Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hello everyone!!!! We are all situated in Huehuetenango. Everyone is sleeping and comfortable. We have had a long day for sure but what matters is that we are all here and everyone is healthy and safe.
The plane rides were fun and uneventful, which is always good. And mexicana airline even served food on both flights. We were all happily surprised by this. Our connections were painless and customs and immigration were even easier! When we got outside of the airport we were greeted by Angela who was holding a sign that said "Rob. Huehuetenango". We decided it was for us so we went with her. We loaded all of our luggage and split into two vans; Maeven, Lauren, Neal, Brendan, Hilary, George and Kelsey in one van. All three Taylors, Olivia, Bri, Emily, Nate, Mohammed and myself in the other van.
The van ride was great. It took us about 7 hours total with stops and all. We stopped at a restaurant that Edwin enjoys about halfway and ate our Sack lunches and even ordered some quesadillas!!!
We then kept driving and we went over the highest point on the Pan American Highway. It is called Alaska and it is 11,000 feet above sea level. Brendan got a little motion sick while riding, but quickly recovered and is doing great now!
When we got to Huehue we unloaded our belongings at the guesthouse, ate a light dinner, learned the rules and then everyone headed off to bed.
I'm too excited to sleep now, but I will presently. I did walk up onto the roof of the guesthouse with Deb, Hilary and Olivia and we were able to see the bulk of the city. It was really spectacular. The lights went on for awhile and the mountains are a great backdrop.
All is well in Huehue and I am off to bed. Keep praying for Kaylin as her muscle strain still hurts. But she is being really tough!! Also pray for our group for tomorrow. We have church at 2pm and we have been asked to share a song or two and a few testimonies.

Good night!!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good thing church isn't until 2PM. We are skipping church today, but don't tell George.
